6 Overlooked Leadership Traits That Separate Great Leaders From the Rest

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Great leaders understand the significance of their team and will assign tasks and responsibilities only to those capable of handling them, thus preventing additional stress or turnover among employees.

1. Empathy

Employers typically keep an eye out for potential leaders to ensure they’re capable of communicating effectively with all types of employees – this includes listening and empathizing with employees so they feel heard and understood.

Empathy is an instinctual human emotion originating from our brains that entails connecting with another’s feelings and understanding them. Empathy plays an integral part of why we care for others, leading us to take actions such as helping strangers or those suffering from stigmatized conditions.

Empathy goes beyond simply feeling sorry for others; it also involves understanding their thoughts and experiences despite your differences, even if your viewpoint differs greatly from theirs. This type of cognitive empathy distinguishes great leaders from their counterparts.

People can have various levels of empathy, which is partially determined by genetics and environment. For instance, someone raised in an environment with compassionate parents may possess higher cognitive and emotional empathy whereas someone raised by self-centered parents might display less cognitive and emotional empathy towards others, leading them into indifference or hostility towards them.

Other factors that can impede empathy include personality disorders like borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder, making it harder to empathize with others – an essential trait of effective leadership.

2. Honesty

Honesty is an integral trait that helps individuals make informed and accurate decisions, making this trait essential to effective leadership. Studies show that those who practice honest behaviors tend to experience greater life satisfaction compared to their dishonest counterparts. Furthermore, honesty has been associated with increased levels of trust within relationships which allows you to cultivate healthy and supportive friendships.

Honesty requires leaders to be open and transparent with others. They should admit when they make errors and accept responsibility for their actions – even when this might hurt feelings – but great leaders always opt for open communication over withholding information in order to avoid hurting team members.

Great leaders must also be brutally honest with themselves, acknowledging both their flaws and strengths without being intimidated by feedback from their teams. Furthermore, great leaders have an exemplary tolerance for failure – realizing it’s an inevitable part of learning – without taking it personally.

A great leader must be fair and reasonable, never making assumptions or misjudging other people negatively. They won’t succumb to fear or self-pity but rather use sound judgment in all situations – using honesty to build others up rather than tear them down – this is known as being “practical.”

3. Integrity

Integrity is one of the key leadership qualities. This trait requires leaders to uphold their personal beliefs without bowing to popularity or choosing what may seem popular over what’s right. Integrity helps build trust with team members while inspiring honest communication.

Some philosophers define integrity as moral perfection; other such as Bernard Williams define it differently: as the unwavering maintenance of identity-conferring commitments or ground projects (i.e. commitments which define our identities). For Williams, abandoning these commitments would mean relinquishing control of oneself – something no individual would wish for!

Others, such as Calhoun and Halfon, view integrity as an ethical virtue that involves conscious deliberation about how best to live their lives. According to their theory, integrity requires confronting all relevant moral considerations; yet this approach proves difficult in practice.

Halfon asserts that integrity can overlap with professional integrity, which he defines as the ability of an individual to fulfill all the demands of their profession in all respects. If a project proves difficult and will require additional work, an individual with integrity would still commit themselves to working on it but would inform their coworkers honestly about its challenges before agreeing to commit fully.

4. Intuition

Leaders with strong intuitive abilities possess a clear internal compass that guides their decisions quickly and effortlessly, whether that means making key hires, taking risks or motivating their teams – they trust their intuition and know when the spirit leads them in making those choices.

Many people refer to intuition as having an instinctive knowledge, often described as having a gut-feeling. Experts believe these experiences result from unconscious processes analyzing information more rapidly than conscious deliberation can, providing us with holistic knowledge that incorporates multiple aspects of a situation, drawing from previous experience, knowledge and patterns to predict probable outcomes and conclusions.

Philosophers and others involved with philosophy of mind often define intuitions in technical terms as mental states or events in which a proposition seems true in the same manner that formal (or necessary) truths such as an axiom do. While this definition fits well with many psychological works on intuitions, its broad definition does not adequately restrict what kinds of mental states qualify as intuitions.

However, intuition is clearly present in the decisions made by experts in their fields. Researchers have discovered that highly experienced dentists often rely on intuition when making complex yet time-sensitive decisions in their practice – they draw on years of accumulated unconscious frameworks stored deep within themselves to make swift and quality choices quickly and reliably.

5. Resilience

Resilience refers to the ability to overcome trauma or loss and use it as an opportunity for personal development, making you stronger overall. While resilience remains an elusive quality for many individuals, its traits can be learned and fostered with practice and proper care. While its exact origins remain the subject of scientific inquiry, there are key attributes associated with greater capacity for withstanding life’s challenges and making resilience easier to cultivate.

Resilient people tend to possess an overwhelming sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, being able to articulate a narrative that links past, present and future events. Furthermore, resilient people recognize patterns of negative thought or behavior within themselves that contribute to stress and negativity cycles – working actively against this behavior as opposed to blindly optimising. Instead, resilient people accept both the positive and negative aspects of their experiences without excessive optimism becoming excessively optimistic.

Resilience can be hard to cultivate, with its exact causes being highly individualistic; genetics, early life experience and luck all having an impactful role. But there are skills which can be practiced that may increase resilience such as being open and communicative with friends and family; focusing on what parts of a situation you can control; cultivating healthy lifestyle habits such as enough sleep, nutritious food choices and regular physical exercise; making time for reflection and spiritual practice; all have been linked with higher resilience levels.

6. Vision

An effective leader possesses a clear vision. Such leaders are able to see what they want achieved and explain it clearly so others can follow in their footsteps. According to Alicia Hill of Carter Capner Lawyers, being an excellent leader requires a combination of skills, experience, and natural personal characteristics; therefore understanding leadership traits can assist in developing them for maximum effect in management or leadership positions.

Good leaders have the ability to articulate an ambitious yet realistic future goal for customer growth and retention, operational efficiency and innovation, team development and organizational stability, financial results and impact as well as future vision which inspires their teams beyond daily tasks. Great leaders see beyond this and see beyond the future all together.

Good leaders know when and how to accept feedback from others and understand how they can adapt for the benefit of their team. They also recognize when it’s necessary for someone else to take over responsibilities or receive credit for an idea; these qualities help build strong and cohesive teams that work well together. Contrast this with poor leaders who tend to stay firm in their beliefs despite changing circumstances, or who cannot acknowledge mistakes made; such leaders do not fit well within business environments.

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